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In the spotlight

17 March 2025

Joint statement: Call for action on STEM Talents for the EU Competitiveness

In this joint statement, ECEG and ANE call for the (re)establishment of the STEM Interest Group in the European Parliament. The latter has been active for several years and has collaborated with other institutions and interest groups to promote policies that encourage STEM education, gender equality in these fields, and the adoption of advanced technologies at the European level. The group also focused on how European policies could respond to the challenges and opportunities offered by rapid technological and scientific developments.
As it was in the past, the STEM Interest Group could aim at raising awareness among MEPs, European institutions and other stakeholders on the issue of STEM skills shortage, as well as at promoting interest in STEM disciplines.

12 March 2025

Joint Employers Statement: Revision of Regulation 883/2004 on the Coordination of Social Security Systems - Prior notification and the need for digitalisation

European businesses face bureaucratic hurdles that hinder labour mobility and competitiveness. A modernised Regulation 883/2004 would reduce red tape, enhance mobility, and provide legal certainty, especially given new forms of work like teleworking. After years of negotiations, with 80% of the regulation already agreed upon, it is crucial to finalise the process rather than risk withdrawal.
In this joint statement, employers' associations urge the European Commission, Council, and Parliament to conclude negotiations.

4 March 2025

Press release: STEM Talents for the EU Competitiveness Compass – Reclaiming the EU competitive edge

On 4 March, ECEG and ANE (Association of Nordic Engineers) organised the high-level breakfast session “STEM talents for the EU Competitiveness Compass – Reclaiming the EU Competitive Edge”.
Kindly hosted by MEP Annalisa Corrado (S&D), the event fostered an interactive discussion on the pressing STEM talent shortage and its impact on the EU’s strategic autonomy and global competitiveness.
The discussion also focused on concrete policy actions, including a call to re-establish the STEM interest group within the European Parliament.

A recognised social partner & consultative body for the European institutions and other stakeholders

The European Chemical Employers Group (ECEG) is the Brussels-based social affairs organisation representing the European chemical, pharmaceutical, rubber and plastics industries, grouping national employers' federations and the sectors from 15 countries.


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